Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Holy Week Assembly

On Thursday 30 March we held our Holy Week Assembly. The students led us through the journey that Jesus made in his final days. The story they told happened in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago, but ‘the story’ never ended and it continues today.

We began with Palm Sunday and the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, as an exuberant class of Year 8 students shouted, ‘Hosanna to the King’ and others waved their palm branches. Following this was the Last Supper. We placed bread and wine on our table as our ‘Treble Makers’ beautifully sang the song, 'We Come to Your Feast'. Three students as ‘Apostles’ recalled the events of this meal.

The Lenten intentions, previously gathered in House groups at the start of Lent, were then brought forward by House representatives. The cross was carried in and placed at the front of the assembly as Miss Clark hauntingly sang, 'Were You There When They Crucified My Lord', to the hammering of Jesus being nailed to the cross. Finally, Year 12 student, Tara performed a beautiful movement to a poetry reflection on the Crucifixion.

Class Masses

Each Religious Education class is allocated to a Wednesday morning 8am Mass in Loyola Chapel. The class, along with another, co-hosts this Parish Mass by taking the roles of readers and processors. When your student has an upcoming class Mass, you will receive a notification or an invitation to attend. We warmly welcome all to this weekly joint Parish School celebration. The Year 11 Religion & Ethics classes are hosting over the next few weeks.

• Wednesday 26 April Mr Gahan’s 12 RAE G & H
• Wednesday 3 May Mr Sheehan’s 11 RAE B & G
• Wednesday 10 May Mrs Harman’s 11 RAE D & F

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission