Interschool Debating Competition
Last week three teams of Shalom students successfully participated in the first round of the Bundaberg Interschool Debating competition.
For most speakers this was their very first attempt at a formal debate. Their topics were challenging, but encouraged creative thinking. For the combined Year 7/8 team the topic was: That the opinions of youth should be central to solving youth crime. The Year 7/8 team argued the negative case against a team from Kepnock State High. Both the Year 9 and Year 10 teams spoke on the topic: That careers are a dead concept. The Year 9 team argued the negative case against a team from Bundaberg Christian College, while the Year 10 team argued the affirmative case against St Luke’s Anglican College.
Both the Year 7/8 team and the Year 9 won their round and the Year 10 team put up an impressive performance against the very experienced team from St Luke’s. All the debaters received valuable feedback from the adjudicators and are busily preparing for the next round of the competition which will take place in Week 3.
Year 7/8 Team (speaking in the year 8 competition)
Torah S
Max L
Desilva D
Cara M assisted the team with their preparation.
Asha D
Layla J
Phoebie R
Year 10 Team
Callum M
Sithuki W
Joann J
Duru T and Lara M supported the Year 10 team members’ preparation.
Speakers were ably assisted by Year 11 and 12 coaches: Jaslyn P, Lauren R, Ashlee B, Cooper L and Lily M.
L - R: Year 7/8 Team, Year 9 Team
Shalom debaters at their first event
Mrs Patricia Allen
Debating Coordinator