Principal's Reflection
1. Be on time
2. Be in uniform
3. Use your manners
Ali also mentioned that at the end of each training session, since that time, she shakes the hand of her coaches and thanks them for their efforts. So maybe she could add –
4. Be grateful
Ali said that she had often heard about virtues like, Resilience and Integrity and Character but that she didn’t really understand those words. Graham Murray’s three rules summarised those and made sense to her. Since implementing those in all areas of her life, she has captained her team, her country and made her a better wife, mother and worker. I hope every Shalom student can remember and implement those three steps.
Bundaberg Regional Council will be doing some filming in the next few weeks in Eggmolesse Street to have a look at traffic patterns. As this area is getting considerably busier, I have asked Council to look at the possibility of creating a Zebra crossing.
Mr Dan McMahon