Shalom College
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Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Damien House Presentation for Share the Dignity Charity

At the Year 12 Farewell House Assembly last Thursday, Damien House were fortunate to have Ms Lisa Park from Share the Dignity join us. Our Seniors were able present the charity with the hundreds of products from our donation drive and a cheque for $781 from the snow cone fundraiser and Shalom Day donations. Well done to our Senior Leaders for doing a wonderful job in raising awareness of the important work of Share the Dignity, particularly the outstanding leadership from Brad who spent much time and energy organising the Snow Cone fundraiser. Thank you to all Damien families that contributed donations – every bar of soap, bottle of shampoo and sanitary product donated will ensure someone in need is treated with dignity in the Wide Bay region. Special mention again to the families of Aleisha, Connor and Ally for their significant contributions. 

Great job Damien House!


Damien House students with their donations 

Mr Jason Egan
Damien House Coordinator