Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Tutoring Timetable

The tutoring timetable for this term has been uploaded to the College website and is available on SIA.

NAPLAN Results

QCAA have released preliminary NAPLAN results to schools, these are still in the checking stage. Individual Student Reports will be released to schools later this term. We will post hard copies of these home to parents of those Year 7 and Year 9 students who participated in NAPLAN this year. The following document has been provided by QCAA to explain the change from reporting in numerical bands to proficiency standards for NAPLAN.

Year 10 Personal Futures

Today students attended a briefing for their Personal Futures Day on Friday 21 July. During Personal Futures Day students will spend the day gathering information to assist them in making decisions around Year 11 subject choices to assist their future pathway.

Senior School Subject Selection Information Evening – will be held Tuesday 25 July in the Performing Arts Precinct commencing at 6.30pm.

During the evening there will be presentations on the QCE system and the ATAR. The subject selection process for Year 11 will also be explained. This process is similar to that used last year to select Year 10 subjects. The online portal opens Tuesday 25 July.

Learning Area Coordinators will be available to discuss the variety of subjects on offer and to answer any questions you may have. Initial questions such as the content and structure of courses and details of assessment are easily answered by reading the 2024 Senior Subject Selection Guide. This document is available on the College website: It can also be accessed by students in SIA via the Subject Selection Dashboard in the Year 10 Personal Futures page. There is a variety of resources in here that students will be using on Personal Futures Day.

SET Plan Interviews will take place on Monday 7 August. This date has been designated as a home study day for Year 10 students. Shortly parents will receive an email with details about how to book and attend the SET Plan interview with your student.

Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal - Curriculum