Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching (CST) addresses matters of social, economic, and ecological justice in the world. It consists of an interrelated body of Catholic social thought and principles which can be used to reflect on and guide how we relate to one another in our local and global communities. Human Dignity is a central concept to CST. Other teachings include Solidarity, The Common Good and Preferential Option for the Poor.  Here at Shalom, responsibility for impeding these principles lies across all learning areas. We want to ensure that learning about our Catholic tradition is meaningful for all students and that from this they develop a desire to create positive change in the world.

Class Masses

Each Religious Education class is allocated to a Wednesday morning 8am Mass in Loyola Chapel. The class, along with another, co-hosts this Parish Mass by taking the roles of readers and processors. When your student has an upcoming class Mass, you will receive a notification or an invitation to attend. We warmly welcome all to this weekly joint Parish School celebration. The Year 10 classes will be hosting over the next few weeks:

• 7 June Mr Kiernan’s 10 RE F, H & K
• 14 June QISSRL & QISSN teams
• 21 June Mrs Harman’s 10 RE A & C

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission