Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection


As a rapidly aging Australian male, I got really excited and then disappointed as I read the paper early last week. ‘The Australian’ reported a new treatment for cancer therapy that was described as ‘a total paradigm shift’ in cancer care. This new treatment called CARVYKTI, has been approved by the TGA. I was about to break it to my kids that I could be around for a lot longer than expected but then read that the treatment might be ready for use within ‘two or three decades’! I might miss that window of opportunity! That said, we now live in a world where getting a Cancer diagnosis does not carry the sense of imminent demise it once did. Treatments are so much better and more effective. Survivability rates for most cancers have greatly increased. Those advances have come because smart people have been researching the problems and funds have flowed to assist that research.

Last week I was very proud of our students, led by School Captains, Molly & Cooper, for leading the ‘Cut-A-Thon’ at Shalom. Students and the odd gullible Principal were prepared to get hair cuts to raise funds for Cancer research. That is how advances are made.


Molly led the charge on this and along with other girls donated some of their hair to assist in the creation of wigs for those suffering Cancer treatments (not sure mine was up to that standard!) The students raised almost $3000 for a wonderful cause. There is probably not a family at Shalom who have not been touched in some way by Cancer. It will remain a real health challenge for many years to come. I hope people will only grow more enthusiastic in supporting in very practical ways those who are at the cutting edge of research and development.

In this theme, this community will stand beside the McGarry family who are with their brave and beautiful Sienna, who really has a battle on her hands while undergoing treatment at the moment in Brisbane. Please keep Sienna and the McGarry family very much in your thoughts and prayers.


Legally Blonde played to very enthusiastic and appreciative audiences last week with the final show on Saturday night. Congratulations to all cast and crew. Just a great show. So much work went into those performances and months of practice. Another real highlight for the Shalom community.

Head of the River Rowing – in a very similar vein, our Rowers completed their school season very successfully yesterday at Bucca. Again, lots of training and effort paid off in so many outstanding results. Very grateful to Ms Teressa Tibbey & Mr Rod Silcox for coordinating the efforts of so many coaches, volunteers and rowers.

Mr Dan McMahon