Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection

Dan.jpgIn a little over a week, we will farewell another group of Year 12 students.  In the history of the College and including Christian Brothers Bundaberg and Loyola College, this will be the 103rd group of young people to graduate from Year 12. All of these young people have experienced Catholic education in the Edmund Rice and Catherine McAuley tradition in this town.  At our last Assembly, prayer was led by Hogan House who reminded us of that tradition.  Br Joseph Hogan was the first Principal of Christian Brothers Bundaberg.  Our students today stand on the shoulders of those who went before us.  We share the best of those traditions with so many others who attended schools founded by the followers of Edmund Rice and Catherine McAuley. Recently, I listened to an address by someone, about my age, who attended a school like my own and Shalom. His comments, I thought, were worth repeating and relevant to our own young people today.  He is a prominent Barrister in Queensland.

“My dad impressed upon me, on a daily basis, the value of education and that education is a privilege, and that education is the key to improving your life and the lives of those around you. His hopes for what might lie ahead for me was for something better and for something easier than he had experienced. My dad recognised, as Edmund Rice (and Catherine McAuley did) that education was the key to social mobility.  I was taught by Christian Brothers at both primary and secondary school.  It’s impossible for me as a Barrister not to acknowledge the unspeakable harm done by some religious men and inflicted on the lives of innocent children here in Australia and abroad. But in the same way as some of them inflicted the worst of humanity on those in their care, others, very many of them, extended the best of humanity to the young people for whom they were responsible.  I was fortunate enough to have encountered the latter only. Those Christian Brothers by whom I was taught were dedicated selfless men who made a profound and positive impact on my life. They were supported by a faculty of similarly dedicated lay staff who shared their mission. The lesson I learned from them was this – expect the best of yourself, realise your full potential, whatever that may be, and give the best of yourself, in service, to others. I hope all who attend this school now, and in the years to come, will continue to be inspired to use their gifts and talents to find opportunities to improve the social capital of young people in the true spirit of Edmund Rice (and Catherine McAuley). That is as important now as it ever was given that the gap between the rich and the poor in this country has never been more pronounced.”

Our graduating class, and those who follow them, have had the privilege of a great education.  They have come across some wonderful educators.  The Brother Rochford’s, the Kerry & Deb Bolam’s, the Helen Stanley’s, the Brett Hoskins, the Mary Taylor’s and Kim O’Shea-Hard’s – and so many others - have reminded them that there is a responsibility that comes with great privilege and that is service.  That is the best of our tradition, and we look forward to this group of young people building on that as they move beyond this place.

Enrolments 2023Just another reminder to please let us know if, for whatever reason, your daughter or son won’t be returning to Shalom next year.  Lots of people very keen to get a spot should one arise.

This Week  we will welcome our 2023 Year 7 class for Orientation on Tuesday.  They will be excited and so will the Year 11s who will buddy them and walk with them as they begin their journey at Shalom.  On Thursday, we have our Giving Tree Assembly.  We would welcome your generosity in providing an unpackaged gift for a child or money to be donated to St Vincent de Paul.

Mr Dan McMahon 