Year 12 Graduation – Please note the change of time
Our Year 12 Graduation will be held in the Sports Centre this year at 10:15 am on Thursday 17 November.
This is an invitation only event which families have been sent a link to Trybooking where you can book up to 4 tickets. The RSVP date for this invitation is Thursday 10 November. The ceremony will be live streamed so additional family members and friends can watch as well. The link will be posted on Facebook and on our website. We are looking forward to celebrating with this wonderful group of young people.
Donations for Woorabinda Mission
Sr Cecilia would like to thank everyone for their generosity last year with the footy boots they received. This year they are asking for more items such as, table cloths, sheets, any linen and especially footy boots. If you could donate any of these items please drop them into Mrs Petersen's office in Student Services by Wednesday 16 November.
Giving Tree
Jesus directs us throughout the Gospels to share what we have with others. Not just our friends and families but with those we don’t know. In one parable Jesus reminds us that to experience eternal life with God we have to reach out to those in need.
Each year Shalom students give generously to our annual Giving Tree Appeal and this year we will once again be participating in this worthy cause. On Thursday 10 November we ask that all students bring a gift, gift card or money to donate to St Vincent de Paul through our Giving Tree. These items will be distributed to families in the Bundaberg area who otherwise could not provide these extras for their families over Christmas.
Preparing for the Sacraments
Any child over 8 years of age, including secondary-aged students, are able to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist in 2023.
Talk with your child to see if they would like to complete their faith journey begun at baptism. If so, there will be a Parent Information session on Thursday 10 November 5.30-6.30pm, in Holy Rosary Church where the process will be outlined.
For more information contact Anne Sheehan at the parish office on 4151 6666.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal - Mission