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- Principal's Reflection
- Curriculum
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- Pathways
- Absentees
- Student Drivers
- Uniform Shop Hours
- Year 7 Camp Information
- Shalom Showcase 2024 - 14 & 15 June
- Quiet Achiever
- Shalom Netball Program
- Sport
- Term Dates
- Tuckshop - Online Pre-Ordering
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
- Community Notice Board

I gave a shout out in a recent Newsletter to a couple of parents as my ‘Plays of the Week’. I have another one this week. If your child is remotely involved with Music at Shalom, you will know of Christie Jacobsen. Christie has two children at Shalom and has graduated two others. Christie has given me permission to share something of her story. Last week Christie travelled to Ipswich to give evidence against a man who had sexually assaulted her as a child. For Christie, this was the end of a terribly long saga. The legal process had let her down in the search for this individual. He had done everything possible, including fleeing, to avoid facing up to what he did before he was finally arrested and brought back to South Queensland. In her victim impact statement, Christie

Reach Out if reading the above brings anything to mind or you would benefit from talking to someone. Our Counsellors at Shalom are a great resource. Also –
• 1800respect – National sexual assault & domestic violence hotline
• Edon Place 07 41536820
• Phoenix House 07 41534299
• Lifeline 131114
Shalom Clothing Store – the College Board has accepted a proposal from Weareco Clothing, to relinquish sale of Shalom uniforms from the College to a yet to be established off site retail premise. This will be a significant change for us and, whilst there are some significant advantages for the College, it will mean some inconvenience for parents, at least initially. There are quite a number of details still to be finalised and I don’t have a timeline on the changeover, but I am expecting that the new premises will be established by the end of next term. One of the big changes will be that the sale of second-hand uniforms will devolve to FaceBook Marketplace rather than here at the College. I am hoping that a commercial arrangement may mean that parents will enjoy more extended trading hours.
Mass of Thanksgiving for Leesa Jeffcoat AM, Diocesan Director Catholic Education
Bishop Michael McCarthy invites all school communities to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving for Leesa Jeffcoat AM who, after 23 years of faith-filled service, will shortly conclude her time as Diocesan Director of Catholic Education. The Mass will be held in St Joseph’s Cathedral on Wednesday, 12 June commencing at 10:30am.
All are welcome at the Mass to thank God for the gift that Leesa has been to the Ministry of Catholic Education in this Diocese and to pray that God will bless her in abundance into the future.
For those unable to attend in person, the Mass will also be live streamed via the following link
Mr Dan McMahon
Year 10
Term 3 is a very important term for all Year 10 students. It marks the beginning of their preparation for Year 11 at Shalom. These dates are already highlighted on your school calendar. As the dates are very important, I thought I would take the opportunity to flag them in advance.
Friday 19 July | Personal Futures Day |
Tuesday 23 July | Senior School Subject Selection Evening |
Monday 5 August | SET Plan Interviews |
Personal Futures Day is for all current year 10 students. It is important that all year 10 students attend on this day. This whole day program is devoted to looking at careers, subject selection and familiarising students with the SET Plan which is required when entering their senior phase of learning.
The Senior School Subject Selection Evening is an information night for all year 10 parents and students and relates directly to subject selections for Year 11 in 2025.
All students entering Year 11 are required to have a SET Plan to map their pathway to achieving their QCE and/or ATAR or an alternate pathway. The SET Plan interviews allow us to work with you and your student to create this plan and ensure that their subject selections are suitable for their chosen pathway.
Elevate Education Parent Webinars for Term Two
Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops that help to develop student study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Again, you are invited to register your participation in the term two parent online webinar series. This can assist you to support your child at home by reinforcing the skills that will support their learning at school.
Term 2 Webinar:
• Ask Me Anything (Live Q&A) - Wednesday June 19, 6:30-7:30pm (AEST)
To register please visit:
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
End of Semester One Report Cards Publish Dates
Year 11 (Unit 1) and Year 12 (Unit 3) report cards will be published via Sia on Monday 17 June while Year 7-10 End of Semester 1 report cards will be published via Sia on Friday 19 July. Report cards will be available for parents through Sia > Parent Lounge > Academic Reports. More specific information about individual assessment items may be viewed through Sia > My Students.
Students can access their reports via Sia > Services & Support > Applications > Student Café.
Please note that in 2024, only an overall grade for each subject studied will be reported. The Behaviour and Application feedback is now given through Sia > Learner Attributes. This method of reporting the Learner Attributes is more detailed and ‘live’, improving the communication with students and parents.
If you have any questions about assessment results, please contact the relevant classroom teacher. For any other enquiries, feel free to contact me.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal - Administration
Bishop Michael McCarthy – 10 years
In celebration of Bishop Michael McCarthy’s 10th anniversary of leading the Rockhampton Diocese, a small group of Shalom representatives attended a special Mass at the Holy Rosary church on Monday 27 May, along with others from the local Catholic Parish and primary schools. Both Bishop Michael and the nuncio, Archbishop Charles Balvo, were in Bundaberg for the celebration. After Mass our students, Cameron W, Michael C, Charlotte J and Joann J, met Archbishop Balvo and also congratulated Bishop Michael on behalf of the Shalom communities.
Gathering as a community to participate in Mass is central to being Catholic. As a Catholic School, we provide opportunities for students and staff to participate in Masses, regardless of their own faith background or none. Therefore, each House will join with another, to celebrate a House Mass during one of their timetabled Assembly times in Term 2 or Term 3.
Each Religious Education class will also cohost a Wednesday morning Mass at 8am in our chapel. This Mass occurs during term time and is a Parish Mass, so it is open to all. The Mass finishes before the 8.40am bell. Religious Education teachers will email a notice to families prior to their allocated Mass, and we encourage attendance. Upcoming Masses will be hosted by our Senior students.
Wednesday 12 June Ms Danni Bryson's 10 RE K
Mr David Gahan's 10 RE L
Wednesday 19 June QISSN & QISSRL Teams
Also, if you would like to join in other Parish services, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg advertises Mass times at
Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission
Pathways Information
- What is it like to work in a stock exchange?
- Free Digital Media Landscape Foundational Course
- Construction Pathways – Find the Right Fit for You – Explore a Career as a Dogger
- Choose Your Own (CYO) Health Career – Explore a Career as a Paramedic
- CQU Year 12 Parents & Supporters Webinar Thursday 13 June
- East Coast Apprenticeships – 5 Traineeships & Apprenticeships Currently Available in Bundaberg
- Ergon Apprenticeships – Applications Open 28 June
- Join the East Coast Apprenticeship and Traineeship Drive – Open to Year 12
- Work Experience – Placements for June/July School Holidays Closing Soon
- Tips for Your First Day of Work Experience
- 5 Reasons to Apply for Scholarships
- Southern Cross University – Early Offer Program
Shape Your Tomorrow with these Career Insights and Opportunities
Read all about these articles in this week’s Pathways Newsletter.
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kim Toll, Mrs Kathryn Laing, Mrs Jacinta Gill & Mrs Cristel Simmonds
Preferred Student Absentee Option
Parents are able to inform the College of student absentees via Parent Lounge, using the below pathway:
Parent Lounge> Student Details> Attendance> "+Add Absence Notification"
The Shalom College App has now been updated so when parents select "Absentee" it will re-direct to Parent Lounge for the absentee notification to be added.
For Parents that do not already have the College App please click below:
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student's absence.
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mr Aaron Brown. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Monday to Thursday: 8.00am to 12.00pm
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Friday: Closed
Mr Peter Robinson
Dean of Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Shalom Showcase 2024 - 14 & 15 June
With an extravaganza of Shalom College’s best dance, drama and music acts, Showcase 2024 is an performance night not to be missed!
To coincide with 40 years of Shalom, Showcase 2024, titled ‘Decades in Motion’ is a celebration of the last 40 years of art and culture, paying homage to great music from artists such as the Backstreet Boys and Prince as well as movie classics such as Back to the Future, Titanic and Barbie.
Hear from the 2024 Shalom Choir along with other large ensemble music groups. See an array of dance and drama acts, including the Shalom Dance Performance Teams and the Year 12 Drama students.
*Tickets are also available from the Finance Office (for Cash and EFTPOS sales)
Gabby V really is the definition of a Lingiari quiet achiever. Outside of school she volunteers with Surf Life Saving Australia Bundaberg Club, completing numerous patrols over the summer months and being a committed member of the various training groups the club runs. She also competes in State and National title events, having recently travelled to Townsville to represent her club and compete.
At school she quietly involves herself in everything that is going on – she always attends the main school events, but further to this she attends all the events that are more voluntary by nature – all those House events and matters that are successful because students like Gabby are willing to turn up and help.
Gabby has also been an amazing Buddy this year – not just for Phoebe and Keeley, our new Year 7s in LI3, but also for a number of our new Year 7 girls. Gabby has been kind and thoughtful in her interactions with the new 7s, talking time daily to see how they are getting on, and has often gone that extra yard to help them out.
Silver Sponsor Highlight
A warm welcome to Greensill Farming !!!
Our Greensill SPIRIT
Our values are what our team refer to as ‘The Greensill Spirit’. We live and breathe our values through our work ethic, attitude and approach to every challenge or opportunity. We strive to be a professional strategic partner focused on quality and continuity of supply for our clients, while driving the ongoing economic growth and development of the Bundaberg region.
Discover more about our story by exploring our philophy on these core elements – Earth, Water, Food, and People via our website Greensill Farming or call 07 4159 3137 and speak to one of the team.
Thank you to the amazing Greensill Farming team for supporting our Shalom netball community and helping us to provide opportunities for our students ❤
Mrs Nadia Tairawhiti
Shalom Netball Coordinator
Cruz K competed in Round 1 of the Queensland Junior Series on the Gold Coast. This is the first round of a 3 round series, the second round is in Brisbane next weekend and the 3rd and final round being held in Bundaberg in the middle of July. The 3rd round is also the QLD State Championships. Cruz's result over the weekend were:
Day 1
U/15 – Prologue – 9th
U/15 – Criterium 3rd
U/15 – Road Race 3rd
Day 2
U/15 TT – 8th – Unfortunately Cruz had a crash a lost time during this stage.
U/15 – Criterium 1st
Cruz currently sits in 3rd position at the end of round 1.

Mr Peter Robinson
Dean of Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Term Dates for 2024
Term 1: Monday 22 January – Thursday 28 March (10 weeks)
Term 2: Monday 15 April – Friday 21 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 8 July – Friday 13 September (10 weeks)
Term 4: Monday 30 September – Thursday 5 December (10 weeks)
Tuckshop - Online Pre-Ordering
The Term 2 2024 Tuckshop Menu can be found by following the link below. The menu is also located permanently on the side menu of the Newsletter (desktop only). Any changes to the menu will be updated.
Commencing Term 2 Vegetarian and Gluten Free options are available to order on the flexischools app or by coming into the canteen to place an order between 8.00-8.30am for the day.
The Shalom Markets are open every Sunday 6am-midday. Come along to purchase your fresh fruit and vegetables, local food products and handmade items.
Volunteers Required - Markets Tuckshop
We are seeking your help!! We are always in need of new volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop and BBQ. If your child/children would like to gain some work experience, why not get them to volunteer in the canteen. If you have a few hours you could spare to assist in our canteen, please click on the link below to register your assistance or contact Leanne via email at
If we get enough volunteers, it may work out that you only need to volunteer once per term.
Register to Volunteer HERE
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 16 June |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Maria McMahon |
Sunday 23 June | 6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 30 June |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Jeanne Ferguson |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 7 July |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Samantha Kirkland |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 16 June |
Bundaberg Croquet |
Sunday 23 June |
Rotary Central |
Sunday 30 June |
Rotary Club of Bundaberg Sunrise |
Sunday 7 July |
Bundaberg Bee Keepers |
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Phone: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation. As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.
Rotary Club - Book Sale
Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory
To help assist the Shalom College community in supporting local businesses that are run by Shalom families, we have created our Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory. If you would like to be listed in this directory, please send a copy of your business card to Mr Peter Robinson who will be establishing and developing this directory to
Student Travel Rebates
Would you like to know more about the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme and eligibility requirements? Click on the link to view the short introductory video here:
Please click here to check if you are eligible.