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- Acting Principal's Reflection
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Mission
- Pathways
- Quiet Achiever
- Sport
- Shalom Netball Program
- Absentees
- Student Drivers
- Bishops In Service Day - Student Free Day
- Year 7 2026
- Shalom College Photos – Date Claimers and Information
- Finance Office
- School Immunisation Program 2025
- SCASA - Term 1 Sign On
- Year 8 Camp Information
- Career Opportunity
- Catholic Schools Race Day 2025
- Shalom Colour Fun 2025!
- English as an Additional Language/Dialect Support at Shalom
- Workplace Health and Safety
- From the Office - Pain Relief Dispensing
- From the Office - Provision of Medical Certificate
- Uniform Shop New Location
- Fitness Centre Opening Hours
- From the Library
- Term Dates for 2025
- Tuckshop - Breakfast
- Tuckshop - Online Pre-Ordering
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
- Community Notice Board
At Thursday’s assembly Mrs Freeman announced the 2025 College theme is the Year of Hope and will be symbolised with a rainbow. As most of us know rainbows are the universal sign of love, hope, happiness and acceptance.
Coincidently this message of hope was especially relevant as we also recognised the National Apology to the Stolen Generation, delivered on February 13, 2008. For decades, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children were forcibly removed from their families, causing deep trauma that continues today. For the Stolen Generations and their families, healing has not been instant or easy. Wishing that this did not happen cannot undo the pain of the past. The Apology was not just about acknowledging past wrongs, but about committing to healing, justice and hope. The kind of hope that is rooted in truth and action - allowing for restoration.
Hope can take many shapes for our students:
Academic Challenges: instead of wishing for an easy exam, hope leads them to prepare thoroughly, trusting that their hard work and efforts will be rewarded.
Friendship Issues: if facing conflicts with friends, rather than wishing the problem would just disappear, hope encourages them to address the issue with honesty and kindness, believing that reconciliation is possible.
Future Aspirations: while they might wish to become a professional athlete or artist overnight, hope inspires them to set realistic goals, work persistently, and trust in their God given gifts.
This year we are called to be people of hope, just as Jesus taught. This means standing with those who suffer, seeking justice, and trusting that God’s love can transform even the darkest situations. Hope is not about expecting life to be free from challenges. Instead, it is about trusting that God walks beside you. When faced with difficulties, hope gives you the strength to persevere, changes the way you look at things, and encourages you to live with purpose & confidence.
May we all move forward this year and become beacons of hope for our community.
Mrs Gail Norris
Acting Principal
Parent Webinar
For some parents, NAPLAN can be a mystery and even a cause for concern. The Queensland Joint Parent Committee is offering a free online webinar for parents this Wednesday 19 February from 7.00pm-8.00pm. During this webinar experts will explain NAPLAN and help to address potential parent concerns and provide tips for parents when discussing NAPLAN with their child.
Please refer to the attached flyer for further information.
NAPLAN Information
Year 7 and Year 9 students will sit the NAPLAN online tests during the national defined test window of Wednesday 12 March – Monday 24 March. There will be an opportunity for students to participate in a practice test leading into the testing period on Wednesday 26 February in one of their scheduled lessons for the day.
The table below outlines the test timetable. A more detailed schedule outlining class and period for testing will be available in Sia news from week 5. Catch up test sessions will be held on alternate days to the schedule below for absent students to sit the missed tests.
Writing |
Reading |
Conventions of Language |
Numeracy |
Wednesday 12 March |
Friday 14 March |
Monday 17March |
Wednesday 19 March |
If you have any concerns about NAPLAN or if you wish to withdraw your student from NAPLAN testing, please contact Mrs Megan Munckton, Dean of Middle School,
Please note: all students MUST have corded headphones or earphones to undertake the NAPLAN Online testing. This is the responsibility of families to ensure that students have their earphones or headphones for all test days, including the practice test.
If you wish to visit the NAPLAN public demonstration site it can be accessed at: A NAPLAN information brochure is attached for your information.
myQCE Portal Account
All Year 11 and 12 students by now should have registered for a myQCE Portal account to enable access to their Student Learning Account. Most Shalom students registered for their account during the Personal Futures Day in Year 10.
Students can set up this account by following the link and instructions on the QCAA myQCE page: Note students will need to have a private email address (not and their LUI number to be able to register. Students can access their LUI number on their SIA page.
If your student has not yet set up their account or is having difficulty, please have them contact Mrs Aplin for assistance.
2025 Elevate Education Parent Webinars
Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops that help to develop student study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Over the next two months, you are invited to join their parent webinar series, where you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills that will support their learning at school.
Upcoming Webinars:
- How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time -Wednesday 26 February 6:30pm
- How You Can Make Technology an Ally (& Not the Enemy!) - Wednesday 12 March 6:30pm
- How You Can Help Improve Your Child's Memory - Wednesday 26 March 6:30pm
Register for the series by clicking the link below and learn some practical strategies to help support your child this year.
Mrs Kate Aplin
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Year 12 Exam Block – Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 February
Year 12 students will participate in an exam block from Monday 24 – Wednesday 26 February. The Exam Timetable for this exam block is attached. Students participating in this exam block will undergo Unit 3 assessment. This assessment is summative and as such will contribute towards the ATAR score. Students need only attend school for the exams that they are sitting in this period.
During the exam block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.
Please remember that normal school rules regarding uniform and behaviour continue through the exam block. These expectations are outlined in the attached documents.
We wish our students all the best with their studies.
‘Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.’ -Warren Buffet
A parent’s role in the education of their child is vital. Student outcomes will be maximised when parents and teachers are both involved in their child’s education and have positive interactions. Sia is a fantastic way for parents to be fully informed about student progress, assessment due dates, news items, upcoming events, assessment results etc.
Sia, and the Shalom phone app, have been available to parents since the beginning of 2022. Currently, our parent login rate is slightly lower than the end of last year. We would like all our parents to be successfully logged into Sia as soon as possible. Attached in the link below is a Parent “Everything You Need To Know About Sia’ Guide which includes how to log in for the first time. The phone app is super-convenient – a must-have for parents!
Our IT team will have sent the login details for Sia to all new parents to the school at the beginning of the year. If you have misplaced these details, or are having technical difficulties, please contact our Shalom IT department via email at or phone 41558131 during office hours 8am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday, Tuesdays are 8.30am - 3.30 pm.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal - Administration
Gathering as a community to participate in Mass is central to being Catholic. As a Catholic School, we provide opportunities for students and staff to participate in Masses, regardless of their own faith background or none. Therefore, each House will join with another, to celebrate a House Mass during one of their timetabled Assembly times in Term 2 or Term 3.
Each Religious Education class will also cohost a Wednesday morning Mass at 8am in our chapel. This Mass occurs during term time and is a Parish Mass, so it is open to all. The Mass finishes before the 8.40am bell. Religious Education teachers will email a notice to families prior to their allocated Mass, and we encourage attendance. Upcoming Masses will be hosted by our Year 11 and Year 12 students.
Wednesday 19 February Ms Danni Bryson's RAE 12A & 12C
Wednesday 26 February Ms Van Dalen's CMT 12A & 12B
Wednesday 5 March Ms Jenny Elphinstone's RAE 12B, F & G
Also, if you would like to join in other Parish services, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg advertises Mass times at
Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission
Pathways News - HIGHLIGHTS
- How to Become a Game Designer – If you love games and technology, have great problem-solving skills, and enjoy being creative and innovative, game design could be for you.
- Health Career Pathways | Clinical Coder - Are you someone who loves data and IT and wants to work in health care?
- Shalom’s Work Experience Program is a fantastic opportunity to explore a potential career path while gaining valuable skills. Read all about the key skills you can gain from a work experience placement.
- Understanding job qualifications – make informed decisions about various career pathways and the qualifications required.
- Your guide to understanding University terminology – learn these terms and you’ll be speaking university language like a pro in no time
- QUT Advice Night – Tuesday 11 March 5.30pm to 7.00pm - Online via Zoom
Your Pathway to Success starts here in this week’s Pathways Newsletter
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kim Toll, Mrs Kathryn Laing, Ms Brigette McMahon, Mrs Cristel Simmonds & Mrs Caitlin Newton
Hunter A Year 11 has demonstrated dedication and hard work, recently completing a challenging 5-day course outside school to become a Sergeant in the Army Cadets. Through this experience, he has developed greater maturity and responsibility, and is now training new recruits in the Bundaberg region.
Hunter is keen to support his peers and younger students within both Chisholm House and the wider Shalom community. He shows remarkable determination and resilience in a variety of situations. Hunter is also planning to begin a school-based apprenticeship this year, further demonstrating his commitment to individual growth. He is a highly valued member of Chisholm House.
If you would like to submit any sporting achievements about your child/children along with a photo, please email your submissions to
Please note photo submissions must only include photos of students from Shalom.
You can also keep up to date with anything sport related via our Facebook page - Shalom College Sport.
Bundy District 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Sport trials 2025
For any student interested in trialing for Bundy District Sport teams for the following sports - Volleyball (15yrs & Opens - Males/Females), Football (15yrs Females & Male, Open Male/Female), Netball (15yrs & Opens - Females), Rugby League (16-18yrs Boys, 17-18yrs Girls, 14-15yrs Boys, 15-16yrs Girls), Softball (Opens - Males/Females).
Please see the forms for the trials in SIA Notices, on the Shalom Sport Face Book page or click on the link below. You can also see Mr Gills in the NEW Sport Office to collect a form.
Congratulations to Shalom student Elise V, who recently competed at the QLD State Track Cycling championships at Chandler, Anna Mears velodrome aka (AMV) in the U15 girls 2000m pursuit. Elise placed second and walked away with silver medal.
Elise has been named in the U15 girls QLD Track Cycling Team for 2025 National Championships held later in March.
Congratulations also to Shalom students Cruz K and Matilda K who recently competed at the QLD Track Championships.
Cruz – Selection as a first year U/17 QLD Team
4th in the 500m TT, the fastest U17 first-year rider and the 2nd fastest first lap of everyone.
Matilda - U/13
3rd - Keirin
2nd - Elimination
2nd - Scratch Race
1st - Points Score
Unfortunately Matilda is not eligible to make the Queensland team as an U/13 rider.
On Thursday 6 February, a number of Shalom students trialled to make the Bundaberg tennis team. Congratulations to Xander W, Amelia W and Kayla M who qualified for the 2024 Bundaberg Tennis Team - a fantastic achievement! Shalom also had quality players who missed out on making the Bundaberg team despite being talented players in their own right including Harry K, Edi R, Nic C, Jack B, Jai P, Gabe K, George H and George S demonstrating how incredibly fortunate we are at Shalom with our depth.
On Wednesday 12 February, Shalom's Bundaberg representatives Amelia W, Kayla M and Xander W travelled to Maryborough to vie for selection in the Wide Bay team.
Congratulations to Xander W who capitalized on his booming serve and aggressive forehand to beat some quality opposition to gain selection - a fantastic and well-deserved achievement. Xander will now travel to University of Queensland in Brisbane to represent Wide Bay in the team’s event and attempt to qualify for the Queensland tennis team. Good luck Xander!
Ameila played some excellent tennis just falling short in a couple of her matches to miss selection in the Wide Bay team. A player of Amelia's considerable talent is sure to make the Wide Bay team in future years. Kayla, as another young gun, fought hard winning one of her matches but also not quite making the team this year. With Amelia and Kayla in Yr 8 and 7 respectively, girl's tennis at Shalom looks bright.
Congratulations to all players who trialled for Bundaberg and Wide Bay. All players showed typical Shalom spirit in the way they competed fiercely yet showing excellent sportsmanship.
Brendan Maher
Shalom Tennis Coach
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
BDSSS Secretary & QRSS 10 -19yrs Cricket Executive Member
Mrs Nadia Tairawhiti
Shalom Netball Coordinator
Preferred Student Absentee Option
Parents are able to inform the College of student absentees via Parent Lounge, using the below pathway:
Parent Lounge> Student Details> Attendance> "+Add Absence Notification"
The Shalom College App has now been updated so when parents select "Absentee" it will re-direct to Parent Lounge for the absentee notification to be added.
For Parents that do not already have the College App please click below:
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student's absence.
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mr Aaron Brown. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Year 7 2026 Events
Year 7 2026 Open Day
Tuesday 25 February 2025
Year 7 2026 Applications Close
Friday 14 March 2025*
*Please note this close off date is sooner than previous years.
For more information visit
Any applications received AFTER the Application Close date will be placed on a waiting list (this includes any current siblings or Catholic Primary feeder school students)
Shalom College Photos – Date Claimers and Information
Qld School Photography is the new company that will be taking the College photos this year and in the coming months we will be sending out the information on how to order the photos online.
Shalom College will hold two types of photo days in 2025:
- ID Photo ONLY – Friday 7 March – New Students & Year 7s (NO online ordering required)
- Whole School Photo Day & Sibling/Family – Tuesday 15 July (photo ordering online)
- Catch up Photo Day – Wednesday 16 July (photo ordering online)
Students must be dressed in their formal uniform for any photo that will be taken which includes their formal tie.
Students must adhere to the College Uniform Policy which can be found in the Students Record Book or on the Shalom website. Students will be checked on the day prior to having their photo taken to ensure they follow the Student Uniform Policy.
Information regarding the timing of the ID PHOTO DAY and location at the College will be emailed out in the coming weeks to Parents/Guardians and Students.
The 2025 Annual Fees have been generated and a copy of the Fee Statement with a due date payable of 8 March 2025 will be available through Parent Lounge.
A Prompt Payment Discount of 2.5% is offered if all fees are paid in full by 8 March 2025.
A Payment Plan Discount of 1.5% is offered if an approved payment plan arrangement has been established with the initial payment received before 8 March 2025 to have all fees paid by the end of Term 3 Week 4 2025 for families with a Year 12 student only or by the end of Term 4 Week 4 2025 for families with Year 7-11 students also.
Should you have any queries or require assistance with setting up a new payment plan or reviewing your existing payment plan, please phone the Finance Office on 4155 8179 or email
School Immunisation Program 2025
Your children’s School Immunisation Program is going digital with a system called Vitavo and is simple to use and update your children's information at any time.
Please find attached information and Parent’s Guide explaining the system.
Clicking the link below will enable access to consent / non consent for upcoming vaccinations. Please complete this by Friday 28 February.
Dates of the program at Shalom College:
- Year 7 HPV & dTpa Year 7 Clinic: Tuesday 4 March 2025
- Year 10 ACWY & MenB Dose 1 Double Clinic: Tuesday 11 March 2025
- Year 7 & Year 10 Round 1 Catch Up at School Clinic: Tuesday 25 March 2025
- Year 10 MenB Dose 2 Single Clinic: Tuesday 10 June 2025
If you are having any issues creating an account or booking this service, please contact the school’s immunisation service provider, Ozcare at or phone 41308900.
Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised afterschool activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.
SCASA commences in Week 2 of Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks
3.00 pm - School lessons completed.
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at College tuckshop and set up time for coaches.
3.30 pm - Activities/Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds).
4.30 pm - Activities/Coaching finished.
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at front of school.
SCASA Activities - see below
Option 1 - Drama Club with Brigette McMahon (Performing Arts Precinct)
Option 2 - Cross Country Club with Matt Grills (Oval)
Option 3 - Basketball with Keenan Mullaney (SC or Hangar)
Option 4 - Cricket with Seci Sekinini (Cricket Nets and Oval)
Option 1 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (Computer labs)
Option 2 - Oz-Tag with Erin Mitchell (Oval)
Option 3 - Dance with Teacher TBA (Dance Room)
Option 1 - Next-Jenner-ation Running training with Rebecca Jenner (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (Computer labs)
Option 4 - Can-do-Crew visiting Gracehaven Retirement home with Nicole Anderson (Bus to and from Gracehaven)
The SCASA Fee is $25.00 per term for each student.
This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $25.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons activities.
This is to encourage participation in SCASA activities.
After completing the SCASA sign on google form, at approximately week 2 or 3 of the term - you will receive an invitation on Parent Lounge regarding SCASA.
Please wait until week 2 or 3 of term then login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend SCASA and pay the $25.00 fee.
Once there, click on the ‘Tours and Excursions’ tab and you will find a link to SCASA Term 1 2025 - Here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend and pay the fee.
Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed. It is very important that all information in Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the welfare of your child.
Please make sure that you click SAVE before logging out. If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the College Office.
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g. Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.
This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised activities after school.
Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below
REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2 of term.
SPECIAL NOTE - Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections below - so it cannot be selected.
Mr Peter Robinson
Dean of Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
This Term your son or daughter will be involved in an outdoor education camp, held at Chaverim. The camps will be in Core Studies classes, so the students will go out with their Core Studies teacher or in some instances, another teacher.
These Outdoor Education programs aim to provide an additional approach to the personal and spiritual development of your child and the greater Shalom community. This three-year program has specific objectives designed to provide.
● An atmosphere of cooperation between students, which can be applied at school, in the family and on the sports field. This may be characterized by cooperation, encouragement and concern for fellow students.
● Knowledge, skills and attitudes that contribute to a sense of responsibility, self-reliance, cooperation and harmony within oneself, with other people, and with the natural environment.
● Opportunities for participants to develop knowledge, low level skills and attitudes for participation in a number of outdoor pursuits.
● Knowledge, skills and attitudes towards a ‘minimum impact ethic’ consistent with the environment in which activities take place.
Each participant involved in the program will be given the opportunity to:
● “Look into the mirror” to see how their behaviours, both good and bad, impact their fellow participants.
● Participate in physically and mentally challenging activities while remaining safe on physical, mental and emotional levels.
● Experience and practice Christian values by living and working together in an open and encouraging atmosphere.
● Develop low level skills in a number of outdoor activities as well as a basic understanding of the associated equipment and safety precautions.
● Experience achievement in a non-competitive ‘win-win’ environment.
The camp also gives the teacher and students the opportunity to get to know each other well.
The staff in charge will collect phones at the start of camp and return them just before 3.00 pm on day three. Alternatively, keep the phone at home for safe keeping.
I am sure the students will survive without their phones for 3 days and then they can focus on the outdoor education opportunities. If students need to call home for any reason the staff will let them use the phone at the Chaverim office.
The students will be transported to Chaverim by the College bus on the first day of camp. Students will need to be at school by 8.30 am the morning of the camp; they will return to the College at approximately 2.45 pm in time to catch the bus etc on the third day of camp.
Please find attached information at the bottom:
1. Camp Program
2. Equipment List - Clothes should be functional and suitable for outdoor and adventure activities and provide adequate protection from the elements. Camp is not a time to be fashion conscious; clothes need to be very practical. Students are also to be reminded that Chaverim is a Shalom College campus and all the usual College expectations apply. The wearing of unnecessary jewellery, make-up and inappropriate clothing is not permitted.
3. Administration of Medication to Students form - if your child requires medication while on Camp please complete the form and hand it to your Teacher prior to departing on Camp.
Please login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend the Camp.
Once there click on the ‘Events and Payments’ tab and you will find a link to Year 8 Camp. Here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend, as well as view details about the camp. You will also be asked to review and verify that your child’s medical details are correct.
To check your child’s medical information is current, please click on the ‘student details’ tab and go to ‘medical details’. Please make sure that the following sections are completed so that your child can participate in all activities on camp.
● Can Swim 25m
● Tetanus Up-To-Date
● Medicare Number
In the ‘medical conditions’ section, click ‘add new’ and you will see a drop-down box and notes section where you can also note any dietary requirements, sleeping issues and other details that you feel may be relevant to your child’s well-being at the camp. Once you are happy with the information you have provided, please click ‘verify’.
Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed.
It is very important that all information in the Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the wellbeing of your child.
If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the office. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me here at the College by phone or email.
Mr Peter Robinson
Dean of Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Catholic Schools Race Day 2025
Only 30 tickets left!
The Catholic Schools Race Day is a fundraising project for Shalom College, St Patrick's Primary School, St Mary's Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School of Bundaberg. Buy tickets to this year's event here:
Race Day - 50/50 Raffle
- Use the link below to purchase raffle tickets for $10 each (CARD ONLY)
- QR Code links will be available on Race Day to purchase tickets
- The raffle will close at 3:30pm on the 15th of March
- A winner will be drawn at random after the raffle closes and that person will win 50% of the TOTAL money raised!!!!
- The other 50% will go directly back to our Catholic Schools
Friday 14 March (Week 7) at 3:30pm on the school oval the Student Representative Council (SRC) will be hosting the Shalom Colour Fun Run. This afternoon will be filled with colour and fun that you don't want to miss out on. Use the booking link below, or QR code to secure your ticket to an afternoon you will never forget.
Tickets are $15 each and will provide you with the experience and a drink - you will just need to provide your own white shirt. The whole Shalom College community is invited – so please bring along family and friends to afternoon of colour and fun!
If you have any questions, please contact
Mr McMah
My Braund
English as an Additional Language/Dialect Support at Shalom
As part of our commitment to Inclusive Education at Shalom, we provide English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) support for eligible students. I am currently meeting with new students who may qualify for assistance by way of regularly speaking another language at home.
These students are often referred to as having English as a Second Language or Dialect (ESL/D) and are those whose first language—the language that was spoken to them, and that the student spoke at home as a baby and when very young—is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English (SAE) and who may require additional support to develop further proficiency in SAE. ESL/D is more broadly known as EAL/D.
ESL/D learners may include:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students,
• immigrants to Australia and temporary visa holders from non-English speaking countries,
• students with a refugee background,
• children born in Australia of migrant heritage where English is not always spoken at home,
• children of deaf adults who use Auslan as their first language.
We take pride in our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) student community and strive to create opportunities that help them participate in all aspects of Shalom school life, both socially, culturally and with an explicit focus on academic progress and facilitating success across our broad curriculum.
This program is designed to assist students with English expression in their current subjects, rather than being an intensive English course or an additional subject.
If you believe your child may be eligible through the support guidelines and benefit from this support, please contact me at or call 4155 8158 during school hours, Monday to Thursday.
Mrs Maryann Parton
EAL/D Support Teacher
Below is information on how to administer an EpiPEN and AnaPEN.
Mr Mark Pederson
Workplace Health & Safety Advisor
From the Office - Pain Relief Dispensing
A reminder to Students and Parents that legislation dictates that families need to provide their own labelled box of Panadol and/or Nurofen for staff to dispense. If you would like our Admin Office to hold medication for your child/children, please submit the appropriately labelled medication box together with a signed copy of the Student Medication form to our Office.
From the Office - Provision of Medical Certificate
Medical Certificate Absentee Notification
When providing medical certificates for your child/children's non-attendance could you please ensure that these are scanned (jpeg or png) and attached in the email ( or alternatively dropped into the main administration office.
We are no longer able to accept a photo of the medical certificate via email.
If you advise any of your child/children's Teachers or Head of House (via email) of any non-attendance, could you please also advise the admin office via the preferred options. Either email as an attachment to or via the Parent Lounge (as per the process above - under Absentees).
The Uniform Shop has moved to Shop 5 / 6 Phoebe Crescent, Kensington, QLD 4670
Alternatively, parents can click and collect via the link
For those families that have orders to collect. Wearitto will contact you when they are ready.
Normal trading hours commence Monday 20 January, 8:30am-4pm Monday to Friday.
The store currently has no signage, however, is conveniently located at the Westway Centre Shop 5 / 6 Phoebe Crescent, between Neta Home & Commercial and Livingstone Low Electrical.
For any uniform enquiries please contact or phone 0461 415 060
A reminder that if you intend to use the College Fitness Centre, you must follow the steps below:
1. Collect a permission form, either from the Fitness Centre Office or Sports Centre Office.
2. Return the signed form to Miss Mitchell (Sports Centre Office)
3. Complete an induction. These will be completed before school by appointment with Mr Burnett or after school with Miss Mitchell.
Ms Melinda Pearson
Head of Department - Physical Education
Last Friday the 14th of February wasn’t just Valentine’s Day it was also Library Lovers’ Day
This is the day each year that we honour libraries, librarians, book lovers, and lovers of libraries. On Library Lovers’ Day, we celebrate the enduring relationship between our community and the libraries.
It also serves as an opportunity to celebrate those who love and support libraries and to remind decision makers how loved and cherished libraries are by the entire community.
Famous Quotes About Reading
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”
George R.R. Martin (American novelist and short-story writer, screenwriter, and television producer. He is the author of the series of epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire, which was adapted into the Emmy Award-winning HBO series Game of Thrones)
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
C.S. Lewis (British writer and lay theologian)
“Classic’ – a book which people praise and don’t read.”
Mark Twain (American writer, humourist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer.)
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Dr. Seuss (American children’s author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker)
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
Stephen King (American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novels)
“The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read.”
Benjamin Franklin (Founding Fathers of the United States. A polymath, he was a leading writer, printer, political philosopher, politician, Freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humourist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat)
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
Walt Disney ( American entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor and film producer.)
“We are of opinion that instead of letting books grow mouldy behind an iron grating, far from the vulgar gaze, it is better to let them wear out by being read.”
Jules Verne (French novelist, poet, and playwright)
“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”
Napoléon Bonaparte (French military and political leader)
“I guess there are never enough books.”
John Steinbeck (American author and the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature winner)
“There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away.”
Emily Dickinson (American poet)
Term 1: Tuesday 28 January – Friday 4 April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Tuesday 22 April – Friday 27 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September (10 weeks)
Year 12 Formal: Saturday 6 September
Term 4: Tuesday 7 October – Thursday 4 December (9 weeks)
Breakfast is available every morning for purchase from 8.00am - 8.30am.
Items available are:
Croissant Ham & Cheese $3.00
Big Breakfast $6.00
Toasted Sandwich $4.00
Bacon & Egg Muffins $4.00
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Wraps $4.00
Spaghetti & Cheese Jaffle $4.00
Fresh Salad Tub $4.50
Yoghurt Pots $4.00
Hashbrowns 2 for $1.00
Up & Go drinks and flavoured milk are available everyday.
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their early morning training sessions, however, students must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Tuckshop - Online Pre-Ordering
The Term 1 2025 Tuckshop Menu can be found by following the link below. The menu is also located permanently on the side menu of the Newsletter (desktop only). Any changes to the menu will be updated.
Vegetarian and Gluten Free options are available to order on the flexischools app or by coming into the canteen to place an order between 8.00-8.30am for the day.
Mr Mark Algie
Tuckshop Convenor
The Shalom Markets are open every Sunday 6am-midday. Come along to purchase your fresh fruit and vegetables, local food products and handmade items.
Volunteers Required - Markets Tuckshop
We are seeking your help!! We are always in need of new volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop and BBQ. If your child/children would like to gain some work experience, why not get them to volunteer in the canteen. If you have a few hours you could spare to assist in our canteen, please click on the link below to register your assistance or contact Leanne via email at
If we get enough volunteers, it may work out that you only need to volunteer once per term.
Register to Volunteer HERE
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 23 February |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 2 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 9 March | 6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 16 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 23 February |
Africa Volunteer Aide |
Sunday 2 March |
Shalom Netball Program |
Sunday 9 March |
Bundaberg Croquet |
Sunday 16 March |
Rotary Central |
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Phone: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation. As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.
Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory
To help assist the Shalom College community in supporting local businesses that are run by Shalom families, we have created our Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory. If you would like to be listed in this directory, please send a copy of your business card to Mr Peter Robinson who will be establishing and developing this directory to
Student Travel Rebates
Would you like to know more about the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme and eligibility requirements? Click on the link to view the short introductory video here:
Student travel rebate applications open 1-31 May for Semester 1. Please click here to check if you are eligible.