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- Acting Principal's Reflection
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Mission
- Pathways
- Quiet Achiever
- Sport
- Absentees
- Student Drivers
- Year 7 2026
- Shalom College Photos – Date Claimers and Information
- School Immunisation Program 2025
- Year 8 Camp Information
- Catholic Schools Race Day 2025
- SAVE THE DATE - Empowering Women’s Evening with Lauren Jackson
- Chisholm & Rice House Fundraiser
- McAuley House Mini Markets & Movie Night
- Shalom Colour Fun 2025!
- Workplace Health and Safety
- Tuckshop
- Term Dates for 2025
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
- Community Notice Board
Yesterday’s Gospel (Luke 6: 27-38) calls us to love our enemies. This message challenges the very nature of the human instinct for self-preservation and retribution. We are asked not only to love those who love us but to reach out to those who may oppose or want to hurt us. Just stop and reflect on that for a moment; given the most recent conflicts we have witnessed around the world. This is not an easy ask!
In 2024 Pope Francis’s wrote his encyclical letter Dilexit Nos – The Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ. In this letter he reinforces this message and reminds us of God’s boundless love for humanity and calls us to extend this same love to all, particularly to those who we may find difficult to love. He highlights that love is not merely a feeling, but an action to serve, to forgive, and to reach out with compassion. He encourages us to ‘listen with the ear of the heart.’ Inspiring us to live this out in tangible ways every day, through our relationships and interactions with others.
Shalom strives to live out this call to love in our actions. Last week during our Interhouse Swimming Carnival, we witnessed the spirit of inclusivity and encouragement, where students celebrated each other’s efforts regardless of the outcome or what House they belonged to. Not sure if I can say the same of our extremely competitive and enthusiastic Heads of Houses! But an event like this mirrors the love that is asked of us – accepting one another without judgement or reservation.
Thursday’s Induction Liturgy will serve as another poignant moment to reflect on this message. Our new 2025 College leaders will be entrusted not only with the responsibilities of leadership but with the call to serve others with love, compassion and respect. Each one of them invited to embody Christ’s love in their leadership, guiding their peers and the wider school community in ways that reflect the Gospel values and that of our college. This year we are extremely fortunate and blessed to have Shalom ‘Old Boy’ Father Peter Doherty presiding over the Induction Liturgy. We are excited and looking forward to welcoming Father Peter back to Shalom.
Before signing off on this week’s reflection I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Honourable Mr Keith Pitt on his appointment as Australia’s Ambassador to the Holy See. Keith has been a longtime servant of the Bundaberg community, friend and parent of Shalom; he is most deserving of this appointment. Please read Keith’s message of congratulations from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
Shalom Chaverim
Mrs Gail Norris
Acting Principal
We are now at the halfway mark of the term and many students will be working towards assessment and examinations. Parents are encouraged to work with their students to develop appropriate homework and study plans – the Record Book is a helpful tool for this purpose. A Homework Study Planner is included for each term, along with a term overview to assist students to plan effectively as they can see a snapshot of their whole term.
Parents can access upcoming assessment dates for their children via Sia. Each student has a “Due Work Calendar” that shows upcoming dates for checkpoints, drafts, and exams. To access this calendar for your child in the Sia Smartphone Application please select “My Shalom” and then “Due Work”. On the webpage, an option to select Due Work will show under your child’s photograph on the home page.
Heads of Departments have assigned tasks in each faculty area and class teachers adapt these to specific days/lessons when applicable. Please be aware that some tasks with multiple components may be duplicated in the Due Work Calendar.
Academic Policies and Procedures
It is important to be aware that student assessment is regulated by Shalom’s Academic Policies and Procedures which can be found in the Student Record Book from page 14 to 22. This includes issues surrounding drafting, academic integrity, and non-submission.
Flowcharts outlining the processes required for students who miss an exam or wish to request an extension are on page 16 and 17. Please be aware that extensions need to be applied for in advance of the due date. Drafts are compulsory. Non-submission of a draft will see a student being asked to attend a Supplementary Session on Tuesday afternoon. Of particular importance is the requirement for evidence (e.g. medical certificate) for exams missed in all year 11 and 12 subjects.
Please contact the Dean of Middle School or Dean of Senior School with any questions regarding assessment submission.
NAPLAN Information
Year 7 and Year 9 students will sit the NAPLAN online tests during the national defined test window of Wednesday 12 March – Monday 24 March. There will be an opportunity for students to participate in a practice test leading into the testing period on Wednesday 26 February in one of their scheduled lessons for the day.
The table below outlines the test timetable. A more detailed schedule outlining class and period for testing is available in Sia news. Catch up test sessions will be held on alternate days to the schedule below for absent students to sit the missed tests.
If you have any concerns about NAPLAN or if you wish to withdraw your student from NAPLAN testing, please contact Mrs Megan Munckton, Dean of Middle School,
Please note: all students MUST have corded headphones or earphones to undertake the NAPLAN Online testing. This is the responsibility of families to ensure that students have their earphones or headphones for all test days, including the practice test.
If you wish to visit the NAPLAN public demonstration site it can be accessed at:
2025 Elevate Education Parent Webinars
Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops that help to develop student study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Over the next two months, you are invited to join their parent webinar series, where you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills that will support their learning at school.
Upcoming Webinars:
· How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time - Wednesday 26 February 6:30pm
· How You Can Make Technology an Ally (& Not the Enemy!) - Wednesday 12 March 6:30pm
· How You Can Help Improve Your Child's Memory - Wednesday 26 March 6:30pm
Register for the series by clicking the link below and learn some practical strategies to help support your child this year.
Mrs Kate Aplin
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Year 12 Exam Block – Monday 24 - Wednesday 26 February
Year 12 students will participate in an exam block from Monday 24 – Wednesday 26 February. The Exam Timetable for this exam block is attached. Students participating in this exam block will undergo Unit 3 assessment. This assessment is summative and as such will contribute towards the ATAR score. Students need only attend school for the exams that they are sitting in this period.
During the exam block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.
Please remember that normal school rules regarding uniform and behaviour continue through the exam block. These expectations are outlined in the attached documents.
We wish our students all the best with their studies.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal - Administration
Edmund Rice Trivia Night
Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who helped make the Edmund Rice Trivia Night a success. Thanks to your incredible support, the approximately $5000 raised will go directly towards funding camps and supporting children in the Bundaberg and Wide Bay region.
These camps are a vital part of our mission, providing kids with a safe space to grow, learn, and experience life-changing opportunities they may not otherwise have access to. From team-building activities to outdoor adventures, the camps empower young people to build confidence, form lasting friendships, and create memories that will shape their futures. They also provide an opportunity for Shalom students to make a real difference for others.
Thanks to the many businesses and individuals who provided contributions to the night’s prize pool:
• First National Woodgate Beach
• Sinmac Farms
• Waves Sports Club
• Bargara Central Hotel
• Officeworks Bundaberg
• Marquis Macadamias
• K-Mart Bundaberg
• Dare N Beaty
• Bundy Bearings
• Kath Dickson Institute
• Daniel Constructions
We were so well supported for this event that additional donations will be utilised in future fundraisers. Keep a look out for future opportunities to support our Edmund Rice Camps.

Gathering as a community to participate in Mass is central to being Catholic. As a Catholic School, we provide opportunities for students and staff to participate in Masses, regardless of their own faith background or none. Therefore, each House will join with another, to celebrate a House Mass during one of their timetabled Assembly times in Term 2 or Term 3.
Each Religious Education class will also cohost a Wednesday morning Mass at 8am in our chapel. This Mass occurs during term time and is a Parish Mass, so it is open to all. The Mass finishes before the 8.40am bell. Religious Education teachers will email a notice to families prior to their allocated Mass, and we encourage attendance. Upcoming Masses will be hosted by our Year 12 students.
Wednesday 26 February Ms Van Dalen's CMT 12A & 12B
Wednesday 5 March Ms Jenny Elphinstone's RAE 12B, F & G
Wednesday 12 March Mrs Sandra Freeman's SOR 12A & Ms Van Dalen's RAE 12E
Also, if you would like to join in other Parish services, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg advertises Mass times at
Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission
Pathways News - HIGHLIGHTS
- 2024 Year 12 Graduate Olivia Ward – Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA)
- It’s time to explore your career choices – Work Experience for the April School Holidays now open
- Interested in a career in Aviation? Discover the range of aviation training programs on offer at Aviation Australia campuses
- Career Pathways in Immigration
- Ever wondered about what type of careers are in the Community Services Sector?
- ADF Careers are Visiting Shalom Tuesday, 25 February – register to attend at the Pathways Office
- Thinking of Applying for Medicine or Dentistry in 2026? This is what you need to know.
Start Exploring Your Career Path Today in this week’s Pathways Newsletter
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kim Toll, Mrs Kathryn Laing, Ms Brigette McMahon, Mrs Cristel Simmonds & Mrs Caitlin Newton
This weeks quiet achiever is Hannah L from McCormack House. Every morning Hannah writes our notices on our notice board that helps students know of any important news for the day or week to come. Hannah also asks teachers or students each day for a song recommendation and writes this on the board.
I would also like to give a shout out to all students who participated in the Interhouse swimming carnival last Thursday.
If you would like to submit any sporting achievements about your child/children along with a photo, please email your submissions to
Please note photo submissions must only include photos of students from Shalom.
You can also keep up to date with anything sport related via our Facebook page - Shalom College Sport.
Bundy District 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Sport trials February 24 2025
For any student interested in trialing for Bundy District Sport teams for the following sports - Volleyball (15yrs & Opens - Males/Females), Football (15yrs Females & Male, Open Male/Female), Netball (15yrs & Opens - Females), Rugby League (14-15yrs Boys, 15-16yrs Girls, 16-18yrs Boys, 17-18yrs Girls), Softball (Opens - Males/Females). Please see the forms attached for the trials in SIA Notices or on the Shalom Sport Face Book page. You can also see Mr Gills in the NEW Sport Office to collect a form.
Touch Football
Congratulations to Shalom students Charlie G, Abigail C, Rakaia K, Mahli P on their selection in the QLD Touch Football Youth Academy Cowboys Team.
State Aquathlon/Triathlon selection!!!
Congratulations to Shalom students Atlanta D and Jack G who finished 3rd and 8th respectively at the State Aquathlon/Triathlon Championships in Hervey Bay. Atlanta and Jack have now gained selection in the QLD team that will complete in WA later this term.
Shalom staff member Mrs Rebecca Jenner will also attend the National Championships as a QLD Official and part of the QLD team.
Rowing Challenge & Come Try Success!
The last couple of weeks have been busy for the rowing team. We had over 80 students took on the Rowing Challenge at the school gym. Competing against the clock, students put in their best effort to get the fastest 500m time or 250m time for the Year 7s. The winner for each category – Junior, Senior, boys and girls received a well-earned Tuckshop voucher.
The winner's were:
Senior Boys – Ryan S
Junior Boys – Max L
Senior Girls – Mary S
Junior Girls – Caitlin S
Yr 7 Boy – Zane M
Yr 7 Girl – Ruby L
Congratulations to the above winners and all the students that took part.
In addition, we have been running come try sessions on the water. Over 30 students were brave and tried out a new sport. We are excited to have new rowers join our team. Training has started this week and we look forward to bringing the Shalom community updates with our upcoming season.
Thank you to our Shalom Rowing Sponsors
Keep being oarsome.
Ms Teressa Tibbey
HPE Teacher and Rowing Coordinator
Mr Nick Smith
Intad Teacher Assistant and Rowing Coach
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
BDSSS Secretary & QRSS 10 -19yrs Cricket Executive Member
Preferred Student Absentee Option
Parents are able to inform the College of student absentees via Parent Lounge, using the below pathway:
Parent Lounge> Student Details> Attendance> "+Add Absence Notification"
The Shalom College App has now been updated so when parents select "Absentee" it will re-direct to Parent Lounge for the absentee notification to be added.
For Parents that do not already have the College App please click below:
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student's absence.
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mr Aaron Brown. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Year 7 2026 Events
Year 7 2026 Open Day
Tuesday 25 February 2025
Year 7 2026 Applications Close
Friday 14 March 2025*
*Please note this close off date is sooner than previous years.
For more information visit
Any applications received AFTER the Application Close date will be placed on a waiting list (this includes any current siblings or Catholic Primary feeder school students)
Shalom College Photos – Date Claimers and Information
Qld School Photography is the new company that will be taking the College photos this year and in the coming months we will be sending out the information on how to order the photos online.
Shalom College will hold two types of photo days in 2025:
- ID Photo ONLY – Friday 7 March – New Students & Year 7s (NO online ordering required)
- Whole School Photo Day & Sibling/Family – Tuesday 15 July (photo ordering online)
- Catch up Photo Day – Wednesday 16 July (photo ordering online)
Students must be dressed in their formal uniform for any photo that will be taken which includes their formal tie.
Students must adhere to the College Uniform Policy which can be found in the Students Record Book or on the Shalom website. Students will be checked on the day prior to having their photo taken to ensure they follow the Student Uniform Policy.
Information regarding the timing of the ID PHOTO DAY and location at the College will be emailed out in the coming weeks to Parents/Guardians and Students.
School Immunisation Program 2025
Your children’s School Immunisation Program is going digital with a system called Vitavo and is simple to use and update your children's information at any time.
Please find attached information and Parent’s Guide explaining the system.
Clicking the link below will enable access to consent / non consent for upcoming vaccinations. Please complete this by Friday 28 February.
Dates of the program at Shalom College:
- Year 7 HPV & dTpa Year 7 Clinic: Tuesday 4 March 2025
- Year 10 ACWY & MenB Dose 1 Double Clinic: Tuesday 11 March 2025
- Year 7 & Year 10 Round 1 Catch Up at School Clinic: Tuesday 25 March 2025
- Year 10 MenB Dose 2 Single Clinic: Tuesday 10 June 2025
If you are having any issues creating an account or booking this service, please contact the school’s immunisation service provider, Ozcare at or phone 41308900.
This Term your son or daughter will be involved in an outdoor education camp, held at Chaverim. The camps will be in Core Studies classes, so the students will go out with their Core Studies teacher or in some instances, another teacher.
These Outdoor Education programs aim to provide an additional approach to the personal and spiritual development of your child and the greater Shalom community. This three-year program has specific objectives designed to provide.
● An atmosphere of cooperation between students, which can be applied at school, in the family and on the sports field. This may be characterized by cooperation, encouragement and concern for fellow students.
● Knowledge, skills and attitudes that contribute to a sense of responsibility, self-reliance, cooperation and harmony within oneself, with other people, and with the natural environment.
● Opportunities for participants to develop knowledge, low level skills and attitudes for participation in a number of outdoor pursuits.
● Knowledge, skills and attitudes towards a ‘minimum impact ethic’ consistent with the environment in which activities take place.
Each participant involved in the program will be given the opportunity to:
● “Look into the mirror” to see how their behaviours, both good and bad, impact their fellow participants.
● Participate in physically and mentally challenging activities while remaining safe on physical, mental and emotional levels.
● Experience and practice Christian values by living and working together in an open and encouraging atmosphere.
● Develop low level skills in a number of outdoor activities as well as a basic understanding of the associated equipment and safety precautions.
● Experience achievement in a non-competitive ‘win-win’ environment.
The camp also gives the teacher and students the opportunity to get to know each other well.
The staff in charge will collect phones at the start of camp and return them just before 3.00 pm on day three. Alternatively, keep the phone at home for safe keeping.
I am sure the students will survive without their phones for 3 days and then they can focus on the outdoor education opportunities. If students need to call home for any reason the staff will let them use the phone at the Chaverim office.
The students will be transported to Chaverim by the College bus on the first day of camp. Students will need to be at school by 8.30 am the morning of the camp; they will return to the College at approximately 2.45 pm in time to catch the bus etc on the third day of camp.
Please find attached information at the bottom:
1. Camp Program
2. Equipment List - Clothes should be functional and suitable for outdoor and adventure activities and provide adequate protection from the elements. Camp is not a time to be fashion conscious; clothes need to be very practical. Students are also to be reminded that Chaverim is a Shalom College campus and all the usual College expectations apply. The wearing of unnecessary jewellery, make-up and inappropriate clothing is not permitted.
3. Administration of Medication to Students form - if your child requires medication while on Camp please complete the form and hand it to your Teacher prior to departing on Camp.
Please login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend the Camp.
Once there click on the ‘Events and Payments’ tab and you will find a link to Year 8 Camp. Here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend, as well as view details about the camp. You will also be asked to review and verify that your child’s medical details are correct.
To check your child’s medical information is current, please click on the ‘student details’ tab and go to ‘medical details’. Please make sure that the following sections are completed so that your child can participate in all activities on camp.
● Can Swim 25m
● Tetanus Up-To-Date
● Medicare Number
In the ‘medical conditions’ section, click ‘add new’ and you will see a drop-down box and notes section where you can also note any dietary requirements, sleeping issues and other details that you feel may be relevant to your child’s well-being at the camp. Once you are happy with the information you have provided, please click ‘verify’.
Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed.
It is very important that all information in the Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the wellbeing of your child.
If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the office. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me here at the College by phone or email.
Mr Peter Robinson
Dean of Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Catholic Schools Race Day 2025
Limited tickets left!!
The Catholic Schools Race Day is a fundraising project for Shalom College, St Patrick's Primary School, St Mary's Primary School and St Joseph's Primary School of Bundaberg. Buy tickets to this year's event here:
Race Day - 50/50 Raffle
- Use the link below to purchase raffle tickets for $10 each (CARD ONLY)
- QR Code links will be available on Race Day to purchase tickets
- The raffle will close at 3:30pm on the 15th of March
- A winner will be drawn at random after the raffle closes and that person will win 50% of the TOTAL money raised!!!!
- The other 50% will go directly back to our Catholic Schools
SAVE THE DATE - Empowering Women’s Evening with Lauren Jackson

McAuley House Mini Markets & Movie Night
Are you creative?
Would you like to earn a few extra dollars?
Are you already a stall holder?
I am looking for anyone interested in having their own stall at our McAuley Mini Markets and Movie Night.
DATE: Friday 21 March 2025
TIME: 5:30pm-8:30pm
VENUE: Shalom PAP Foyer
This is our house major fundraiser for the year for our House Charity CARINBUNDI and we would you to join us with your stall.
If interested and would like further details please email me on : by Wednesday 5 March 2025.
Friday 14 March (Week 7) at 3:30pm on the school oval the Student Representative Council (SRC) will be hosting the Shalom Colour Fun Run. This afternoon will be filled with colour and fun that you don't want to miss out on. Use the booking link below, or QR code to secure your ticket to an afternoon you will never forget.
Tickets are $15 each and will provide you with the experience and a drink - you will just need to provide your own white shirt. The whole Shalom College community is invited – so please bring along family and friends to afternoon of colour and fun!
If you have any questions, please contact
Mr McMah
My Braund
Below is information on how to administer an EpiPEN and AnaPEN.
Mr Mark Pederson
Workplace Health & Safety Advisor
There will be no sushi until the end of the term due to our supplier taking a holiday back to Japan.
Mr Mark Algie
Tuckshop Co-Ordinator
Term 1: Tuesday 28 January – Friday 4 April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Tuesday 22 April – Friday 27 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September (10 weeks)
Year 12 Formal: Saturday 6 September
Term 4: Tuesday 7 October – Thursday 4 December (9 weeks)
The Shalom Markets are open every Sunday 6am-midday. Come along to purchase your fresh fruit and vegetables, local food products and handmade items.
Volunteers Required - Markets Tuckshop
We are seeking your help!! We are always in need of new volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop and BBQ. If your child/children would like to gain some work experience, why not get them to volunteer in the canteen. If you have a few hours you could spare to assist in our canteen, please click on the link below to register your assistance or contact Leanne via email at
If we get enough volunteers, it may work out that you only need to volunteer once per term.
Register to Volunteer HERE
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 2 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 9 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 16 March | 6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 23 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 2 March |
Shalom Netball Program |
Sunday 9 March |
Bundaberg Croquet |
Sunday 16 March |
Rotary Central |
Sunday 23 March |
Available |
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Phone: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation. As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.
Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory
To help assist the Shalom College community in supporting local businesses that are run by Shalom families, we have created our Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory. If you would like to be listed in this directory, please send a copy of your business card to Mr Peter Robinson who will be establishing and developing this directory to
Student Travel Rebates
Would you like to know more about the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme and eligibility requirements? Click on the link to view the short introductory video here:
Student travel rebate applications open 1-31 May for Semester 1. Please click here to check if you are eligible.